Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Friday, October 15, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 7 AM Office of the Mayor
1. Motion to open the meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting 10.01.10
3. Update regarding the review of City/BOE Contractual Services. Ms. Carbone
4. Update on updating of procedures and restructuring of the Elections Office. Mr. Clark
5. Status of analysis regarding the consolidation of BOE offices at City Hall. Ms. Carbone, Mr. Traub
6. Status of the analysis regarding the establishment of a single permitting office. Ms. Purcell
7. Status on the review of BOE/City benefits and insurance programs. Mr. Todd
8. Update on the analysis of establishing a City motor pool. Mr. Clark
9. Next steps – Mr. Clark.
10. Other Business.
11. Motion to adjourn.